My Show Day Experience

When the day first started it was normal then we got brought downstairs and sat in front of Room 1 to bless the animals parents of the students had brought in. Then class by class we walked in a big circle to pet each of the animals. I really enjoyed petting all of the animals and hanging out with Sophie’s chicken, Tinkerbell. Then we went from classroom to classroom (first our classroom) looking at all the cool stuff the people had done for their class. Then we went to the hall and checked out some of the projects that placed, there were things like: photography, mini versions of real things (houses, barns etc.), paintings, sculptures and various more things ranging up in difficulty of doing per each grade. Then we went classroom to classroom again checking out all the projects they were doing. My favourite classroom was by far Room 1s habitats for different animals because they were really cool. Then we went out to the domain and went under a fire hose/sprinkler and went to go see the lambs. The lambs were super cute and a great addition to the petting zoo; the petting zoo had: lambs, bunnies, ducks and guinea pigs. (They all were super adorable), There was a tank that you could go in, a fancy car Mr Gray would drive us in. Then a bouncy castle that you could race your friends in. Then we went from classroom to classroom (again) but this time doing activities, like; doing things that we would do as kids and other things. Overall it was a very fun day and I had a good day.

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